Bodybuilding Training

Note: This page is still under construction.

Why to be a Bodybuilder

In my opinion Bodybuilding is the ideal form of strength training for the average Human. I think it is the safest and most beneficial form of strength training. Powerlifting and Strongman training push the limits of Human strength and therefore are more prone to injuries. Olympic lifting is extremely technical and requires a great deal of athleticism. Crossfit training requires athleticism and is more prone to injury.

What is Bodybuilding?

Bodybuilding is form of strength training where the goal is to maximize skeletal muscle hypertrophy which means increasing the size of the skeletal muscles. We naturally lose muscle mass as we age and the only way to prevent this loss is strength training. People who do not use strength training are weaker, more prone to injury and age poorly.

How to be a Bodybuilder

A Macronutrient-Based Diet

Bodybuilding is 50% Diet and 50% Training. I really don’t recommend any supplements anymore except for pea protein powder for Vegans and creatine monohydrate 5g taken every day.

Strength Training

Progressive Overload

Exercise Selection

Rate of Perceived Exertion Scale

Rest Periods

Weekly Training Template

Monday: 45m Upper body strength training and 30m cardiopulmonary training

Tuesday: 45m Lower body strength training and 30m stretching

Wednesday: 45m Cardiopulmonary training and 30m stretching

Thursday: 45m Upper body strength training and 30m stretching

Friday: 45m Lower body strength training and 30m cardiopulmonary training

Saturday: Off day

Sunday: Off day

Cardiopulmonary Training

Walking, running, sprinting, battle ropes, sled drags and pushes.


Stretches should be done for five minutes.

Bulking, Cutting and Maintenance Phases

Cutting Phases

Maintenance Phases

Bulking Phases

Bodybuilding Goals

These goals only apply to males. I don’t know anything about women.

Year One: Gain 20 to 30 pounds of muscle naturally

Year Two: Gain 8 to 15 pounds of muscle naturally

Year Three: Gain 3 to 5 pounds of muscle naturally